Excellus BCBS Provider Directory and Office Hours

Full Schedule of Excellus Office Hours

Excellus BCBS Provider Directory:

Excellus BCBS offers access to the largest nationwide provider network. You can access Excellus’ online provider directory to view doctors, hospitals and other facilities that participate with the network. Follow these steps to assist with your search:

  1. Select your provider location:
    1. Upstate New York
    2. Nationwide
    3. International
  2. Based on the location you selected:
    1. Upstate New York providers:
      1. Select your health plan: SUBlue, SUOrange, or SUPro.
      2. Complete the remaining steps to narrow your search.
    2. National Network providers:
      1. Next to “Your Location”, enter the location of the provider.
      2. Enter your plan. You will be asked to enter the first three letters of your Member I.D. card. Enter VYK.
      3. Complete the remaining steps to narrow your search.
    3. International Network providers:
      1. Review and accept the terms and conditions for using the website.
      2. You will be asked to enter the first three letters of your Member I.D. card. Enter VYK.
      3. Complete the remaining steps to narrow your search.

Dedicated Customer Care Team:

800.493.0318 (TTY/TTD: 800.662.1220)

Monday-Thursday: 8 a.m.-8 p.m. EST

Friday: 9 a.m.-8 p.m. EST